
I am a member of Cape Fear Martial Arts in Wilmington, NC. Hap Ki Do is the basis of our school although other MA are practiced and taught in our school. We do several types of push ups as a matter of course in most classes. Some of the types are: Hands pointed in, knuckle, diamond, fingertip, toes on chair-hands on floor, hands on two chairs-toes on floor-lowering until chest is between chairs, hands on two chairs - heels on floor (backwards) lowering between chairs to shoulder level, crab push ups, push ups with an 8" ball, etc. Students start with back straight- one knee down if necessary, and improve to both knees off the ground, and improve further with chest actually reaching the ground.

What will constitute "good form" for our purposes in our Digital Dojang? I would also like a "crunch" definition for the crunch group.

Respectfully, Marjorie Owensby (RedGrannyFu)

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Hi Marjorie:
Nice to meet you! Tina has told me about your amazing progression with martial arts. Congratulations! you must enjoy it. I guess at this point I'm the 'eldest' working towards black belt. My goal for push ups is (don't get injured) plain old flat back, hands shoulder width apart (or slightly wider), lower down, push up. (We could call them 'lower downs' too...ha!) And did I say "don't get injured" yet? My upper body strength has historically been wretched so plain and simple is sufficient for me. --Jan
i think you have really laid out the process there ma'am.
start with what you can do, and build from there:) make the goal a challenge for each individual. so great to have you on here.


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