Our Family class allows children and adults to learn together.
Call now to take a couple classes: (206)230-9050
or Email us at Info@MercerIslandMartialArts.com
Kids as young as 4 years old thrive in this class. They have positive role models, and living, real life heroes to learn from, and work with while developing their physical skills, and fitness, as well as mental development such as: bullying prevention, conflict resolution, confidence, and positive attitude.

Parents, find the class physically and mentally challenging, and rewarding. Parents in the class say they love having an activity that they can share with their child, learning together with their kids, while meeting their own personal physical and mental goals.
For more information on the family class please feel free to contact us at
email: info@mercerislandmartialarts.com
call us at (206) 230-9050
text: 206-823-2604

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