
My best friend of 8 years, and someone I consider my sister, even though we’re not related at all. You have always listened when I needed to talk to someone. You are one of the kindest, sweetest, caring and most understanding person I have ever met. Even though you and your husband both live in Arizona, you have always been a phone call, e-mail, and/or instant message away. We have literally talked every day since the day we met. We talk about some of the most random things (cheese comes to mind) and important life events.


You have helped me through some of my hardest days and have listened to me go on and on about some of my best days. Although, you like to be pretty reserved and shy about what you say and do, I value your advice and views over anyone else. I can confide some of my biggest secrets to you, and you have never betrayed that trust. Add to the fact that you will get back to me about something important as soon as you can, is something that I am beyond thankful for, even if you do get back to me at 4 or 5 in the morning!


I have always tried my best to be a great as friend to you as you have with me. I will always lend an ear, even if it is 4 or 5 in the morning (I will always pick up that phone even if I am half asleep)! No words can describe the gratitude that I have for you over these past years. You really have helped me a lot throughout these past few years, and I cannot tell you how much your friendship means to me over these past few years.

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Comment by MeLisa Turcott Strongheart on February 28, 2012 at 12:24pm

Ken, I'm so happy you have started logging hero reports.   By the time you are a black belt you will have quite a portfolio to present!

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