
1. Heart Disease

One in three women get heart disease . Heart disease is responsible for

488,946 deaths in women per year – more than all forms of cancer combined

(more than 950,000 Americans die from heart disease per year). It is the mostsignificant health concern for women in the U.S. today, but according to the American Heart
Association, only 13 percent of women know that heart disease is a major threat to their

To minimize your risk: Don’t smoke; Limit intake of alcohol; Exercise regularly;

Control high blood pressure diabetes and high cholesterol.

2. Stroke(Cerebrovascular Disease)

Over 100,000 women die of stroke each year– that’s almost twice as many

deaths as men. Stroke is also one of the leading causes of disability in America.

On average, someone in the United States suffers a stoke every 45 seconds;

every 3 to 4 minutes, someone dies from a stroke.

To minimize your risk: Don’t smoke (quitting smoking reduces your stroke risk to that of a non-smoker in 5 years); Limit saturated fats; Exercise
; Control high blood pressure and
high cholesterol

3. Lung Cancer

The most common cause of cancer death in U.S. women is lung cancer. It's estimated that more than 73,000 women in the United States will die of lung cancer each year, with 90 percent
of these deaths linked to cigarette smoking.

To minimize your risk:

Don’t smoke (or breath it second-hand): Get regular screenings

4. Chronic Lower

Respiratory Diseases

These include emphysema, asthma and other lung conditions and killed 64,103 women.

To minimize your risk: Don’t smoke –or, of course, breath it second-hand.

5. Alzheimer’s

This memory-stealing disease is the cause of death for 41,877 women and kills

two-and-a-half times the amount of women as it does men.

Did you know: Today’s obesity epidemic may be tomorrow’s Alzheimer’s epidemic.

The high insulin levels seen in obese people may mean a high risk of

Alzheimer's disease. People with diabetes are at a particularly high risk.

To minimize your risk: Stay fit; Eat a healthy diet; Exercise; Keep Learning.

6. Breast Cancer

According to the American Heart Association breast cancer attacks more than175,000 women a year. And of those women, 43,300 will die of the disease.

To minimize your risk: Without early detection, chances of survival become very slim, so get regular mammograms.

Prevention 101: Eat foods low in fat. Cut out fried foods, fatty meats, and whole dairy products; Eat fruits and vegetables high in vitamins C and A;

Exercise on a daily basis; Don’t drink alcohol or smoke.

7. Diabetes

Diabetes claims 40,000 women per year; the American Diabetes Association

(ADA) states that 54 million Americans are pre-diabetic.

Risk Raisers: Excess body fat and inactivity increase risk for type 2 diabetes.

Prevention 101: Make a habit of healthy food choices Exercise; Maintain a

healthy weight.

8. Accidents

37,485 women had accidental deaths in 2002, almost 40% of which were motor vehicle accidents. Accidental falls killed almost 8,000 women.

Risk Raisers: Driving while intoxicated; Ignoring safety regulations (like talking on a cell phone or putting
on make-up while driving).

Prevention 101: Wear a seat belt; Don’t drink and drive; Be well rested at work; Follow safety guidelines; Follow warnings on household and workplace chemicals.

9. Pneumonia & Flu

The statistic that 36,000 people die from pneumonia and influenza every year

scares a lot of Americans into getting a flu shot. Most are individuals with compromised immune systems, especially the elderly.

Risk Raisers: Pre-existing respiratory condition; Heart disease; Diabetes; Weakened immune system.

Prevention 101: Immunization.

Did you know? As of 2004, more people are dying of Alzheimer’s disease than pneumonia or flu. (Alzheimer’s is far more prevalent among women than men.)

10. Colon Cancer

Colon cancer, the third leading cause of cancer deaths for women and the 10th leading cause overall, claimed almost 30,000 women.

To minimize your risk: Maintain a healthy weight; Eat healthfully; Exercise regularly; Don’t smoke.

(sources: Center for Disease Control, Mayo Clinic)

Self-Defense Today designed by Tom Callos for the UBBT and The 100

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