
Why are we on an Acts of Kindness Mission?

Primarily: We believe kindness is important to our practice of martial arts. It builds peace in the community, empathy in the giver, and teaches the connectedness between each of us.

This is imparitive to our understanding of self defense in that: As we are connected, we are no longer OTHER, but in fact, we belong to, and with each other.

And this understanding, the understanding of our connectedness with each other, engenders peace vs violence---engenders cooperation vs. arguments, compassion vs. bullying, tolerance vs. intolerance etc

Secondarily: The benefits of practicing acts of kindness are proven to build a sense of well being, and are considered a tested "happiness-enhancing strategy"

really when we think of it, and in the many years listening to parents the prevailing theme I have heard is: I want my kids to be healthy, to be HAPPY. Of course all parents have different ideas about what is going to make their kids happy : what education, career, etc. but in the end: it is HAPPY , and meaningful lives they hope for most often.

So, the research is done and I will paste a couple paragraphs below from an article which in summary states:
". . .acts of kindness can conceivably boost happiness in a variety of ways.
Such acts may promote a charitable perception of other people and one’s social community, a 
heightened sense of interdependence and cooperation, and a perception of one’s good fortune. In 
addition, people who commit acts of kindness may begin to view themselves as generous people, 
as well as to feel more confident, efficacious, in control, and optimistic about their ability to help 
(Clark & Isen, 1982; Cunningham, 1988).

Furthermore, acts of kindness can inspire greater liking 
by others, as well as appreciation, gratitude, and prosocial reciprocity (Trivers, 1971), all of which 
are valuable in times of stress and need.
Finally, acts of kindness may help satisfy a basic human 
need for relatedness (Baumeister & Leary, 1995), thereby contributing to increased happiness, as in 
the Sheldon and Lyubomirsky (2003) study described above. "
Sheldon, K.M & Lyubormirsky, S (2004). Achieving sustainable new happiness: prospects, practices, and prescriptions, IN A Linley & Joseph (Eds.), Positive psychology in practice

Update on Wednesday, November 4, 2009 at 11:13AM by MeLisa Turcott Strongheart

Register to particpate and help us meet our goals: 15,000 acts of kindness by the end of 2009----

finish 2009 by being Kind! Catchy huh?

Register there to make your own profile (active student or not--- anyone is welcome to participate in this project)

parents, friends of students, facebook friends, class mates, boy/girl scout troups, charilty leagues, bowling teams --- lets spend the holiday season giving kindness to one another---

make the culture of our communities charcterized by Kindness

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