5 Things YOU Should Know about our After School Martial Arts Program
These five points…
Blog5 Things YOU Should Know about our After School Martial Arts Program2 Likes
June 2013
black belt testing June 26, 2013photoblack belt testing June 26, 20132 Likes
April 2013
Leadership -- Reflection on the life of Princess Diana
Princess Diana, 1997. "I knew what my job was; it was to go out and meet the people and love…
BlogLeadership -- Reflection on the life of Princess Diana2 LikesCommon Myths Concerning Violence in Relationships
Myth: Violence in relationships does not affect many…
BlogCommon Myths Concerning Violence in Relationships2 Likes
February 2013
Family ClassesOur Family class allows children and adults to learn together.
Call now to take a couple classes: (206)230-9050
or Email us at Info@MercerIslandMartialArts.com
Kids as young as 4 year…PageFamily Classes4 LikesFrequently Asked Question: How Long Does It Take to Get A Black Belt?
No one ever ‘gets’ a black belt. It’s not something that you wear, it’s…
BlogFrequently Asked Question: How Long Does It Take to Get A Black Belt?2 Likes
January 2013
Self-Defense is Prevention
BlogSelf-Defense is Prevention2 Likes
December 2012
Helping your children manage distress in the aftermath of a shooting
As a parent, you may be struggling with how to talk with your children about a shooting rampage. It is important to remember that children look to their parents to make them feel safe. This is…
BlogHelping your children manage distress in the aftermath of a shooting2 Likes
November 2012
2nd and 3rd Dan Black Belt Testing Nightvideo2nd and 3rd Dan Black Belt Testing Night2 LikesBully Prevention Curriculum Recognition
Annual Halloween Party & Food Drive 2012! Oct 27th
BlogAnnual Halloween Party & Food Drive 2012! Oct 27th3 Likes12 Ways to Keep your Mind Sharp
Cross-train your brain…
Blog12 Ways to Keep your Mind Sharp4 LikesFood, for Thought.
BlogFood, for Thought.2 Likes
May 2012
KyoSaNim's Question Corner 3
Maya Angelou says: courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can't practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically,…
I just need to confess. I am getting so excited about the Olympics, and especially TaeKwonDo competition this year in London. So we are going to be working on a lot of…
BlogOlympic Fever!4 Likes
April 2012
Belt Test - April 2012videoBelt Test - April 20122 LikesHero Entry 3 - Lawrence Li
My dear older brother, we’ve watched each other grow up since… well the day we…
BlogHero Entry 3 - Lawrence Li2 LikesSexual Assault Prevention: 1 in 6
44% of victims are under…
BlogSexual Assault Prevention: 1 in 62 LikesTeen Essay Contest on Bullying Sponsored by The New York Times
I’d like to share…
BlogTeen Essay Contest on Bullying Sponsored by The New York Times2 Likes
March 2012
An Adults Journey to Black Belt
I have always been intrigued with the world of martial arts. I remember as a…