
Gail Cribbs's Blog (13)

Recommendation for Ariel

When Ariel asked me to write a recommendation for his black belt I of course said yes, then thought now what do I say!

Ariel is one of those quiet leaders on the floor. He was always ready to give it his all in class. I never saw him get flustered or upset no matter what we were doing. His leadership is in the attention to detail, the ever unflappable demeanor, all the while juggling a busy work and family schedule.

Added by Gail Cribbs on January 5, 2015 at 7:20pm — No Comments

second recommendation

Dear Master Strongheart & Master Wells,


I am writing on behalf of black belt candidate Gail Cribbs. She will be an incredible black belt! Her focus, persistence, and determination is infectious. She always comes in with a smile on her face and a welcoming, joyful spirit. Her commitment and leadership is inspiring, and will continue to…


Added by Gail Cribbs on October 2, 2014 at 9:11pm — No Comments

My journey to a black belt

I have thought a long time about my journey to obtain my black belt and what it means to me now and in the future.  Several times on my journey I came at a crossroads, due to injuries.  Each time I faced the decision, do I hang it up or do I work through it, adjust and continue on. 

It has been a journey!  I look at obtaining my black belt…


Added by Gail Cribbs on October 2, 2014 at 9:00pm — 1 Comment

Third hero --Gail Cribbs

My third hero is my sister in law Janeel. She had been the primary caregiver for my brother, keeping him home doing everything for him until last year. In reality the sacrifices she made personally to keep him at home were above and beyond. Her love and dedication and strength are amazing, and a true tribute to the strength of love.

Added by Gail Cribbs on September 1, 2014 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Final hero's

My final hero is a group of people that I look at and realize have common traits. These people are: Jan E, Linda w and Jane C. These women have all lost their partners, the love of their life to a horrible disease cancer. The grace, strength and resolve that all three of these women had during the illness' leaves me in awe. The strength to continue with life after losing their partners is something that I look to as a source of strength and inspiration and something that let's me put life…


Added by Gail Cribbs on September 1, 2014 at 7:30pm — No Comments


One of my favorite hero's is my son Steve. Steve was one of those kids that seemed to fight growing up, you know the kind, bright, but bored, he was always testing the limits and did not seem to get the messages.

Today he is one of the most focused, driven, responsible and generous people I know. He is so very patient with his children and step children (which he has 3), is always there to help a friend and/or family. I look at all that he takes on his shoulders and the strength…


Added by Gail Cribbs on September 1, 2014 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Different Types of workouts and getting the most out of both

When I first started in classes it seemed it was mostly about the physical, gaining strength, gaining energy, gaining muscle.  Sure there was a small mental part required to concentrate on learning the forms etc, but it felt more physical than anything.

Now when I go to class, I am always wondering what kind of class is it going to be?  I have realized that some classes the focus is on the physical, strength,agility and endurance, some nights focus on the mental side of…


Added by Gail Cribbs on July 24, 2014 at 8:21pm — No Comments

Update on MS Walk- My first hero - My Brother and all people living with MS

Last Sunday I volunteered to help at the MS Walk in Seattle- It was heartwarming to see the number of people who support this cause - As I was directing registration traffic, who started streaming in but the NFL mascots (I was trying to pay attention to my duties so could not stop them all for a picture). Attached is a picture of 2 of them.

In addition to the…


Added by Gail Cribbs on April 15, 2014 at 8:43pm — No Comments

Community Service project status

After connecting with the volunteer coordinator with the local MS Walk I am not only registered to walk but to help with the registration of the event.  I continue to balance my fund raising with not only volunteering with the event, but spending time with my brother  who continues his fight against MS. It seems that every week brings  a new challenge, with this week the fight being lung…


Added by Gail Cribbs on April 7, 2014 at 10:15am — No Comments

Martial arts motivation

One of the things I love about Martial Arts is the fact that it can be personalized to meet your individual needs.

For some the motivation is spending family time, by participating in family class.

For some it is focus and discipline, for others it is just a good workout.

For many, the motivation changes as time and life happen.

When I first started my motivation was spending time with my grand-daughter.

Since the time i started my brother… Continue

Added by Gail Cribbs on March 7, 2014 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Thoughts on Training – and the journey from white belt to black belt

I remember starting out in Martial Arts, and how tentative I was.  Being in class with all the other people – I kept thinking, How do I make those moves? My arms and legs don’t move that way!

You think to yourself I’m not sure I can do that, but I’ll give it a try!…


Added by Gail Cribbs on February 25, 2014 at 9:30pm — 1 Comment

A Path to injury recovery- My journey

Several months ago I was injured during Martial Arts.  Once I got over the initial pain of injury I determined I was at a cross road.

Have surgery and rehab with the possibility of returning back to a high level of physical activity including martial arts or do not have surgery and live a life of limited physical activity which basically meant walking only.

Thinking back to…


Added by Gail Cribbs on January 12, 2012 at 9:00pm — 2 Comments

American Cancer Society Relay for Life

I am p articipating in the American Cancer Society-Relay For Life in memory of Mike Wellings, Dick Lundquist, David Cribbs and my mother who was a 20 year…


Added by Gail Cribbs on April 13, 2011 at 2:34am — 1 Comment

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