Several months ago I was injured during Martial Arts. Once I got over the initial pain of…
BlogA Path to injury recovery- My journey7 Likeshighbelt and TJ class 218photohighbelt and TJ class 2181 Likehighbelt and TJ class 201photohighbelt and TJ class 2011 Likehighbelt and TJ class 132photohighbelt and TJ class 1321 Likehighbelt and TJ class 117photohighbelt and TJ class 1171 Likehighbelt and TJ class 109photohighbelt and TJ class 1091 Likehighbelt and TJ class 106photohighbelt and TJ class 1061 Likehighbelt and TJ class 102photohighbelt and TJ class 1021 Likehighbelt and TJ class 92photohighbelt and TJ class 921 Likehighbelt and TJ class 89photohighbelt and TJ class 891 Likehighbelt and TJ class 84photohighbelt and TJ class 841 Likehighbelt and TJ class 76photohighbelt and TJ class 761 Likehighbelt and TJ class 68photohighbelt and TJ class 681 Likehighbelt and TJ class 62photohighbelt and TJ class 621 LikeTJ, Sams, Judo, HapkidophotoTJ, Sams, Judo, Hapkido1 LikeLonnie and BenphotoLonnie and Ben1 LikeTJ, Sams, Judo, HapkidophotoTJ, Sams, Judo, Hapkido1 LikeMy Living Heroes
My first living…
BlogMy Living Heroes2 Likes
December 2011
Valerie Lambert's Black Belt and Tina Jackso…photoValerie Lambert's Black Belt and Tina Jackso…1 LikeValerie Lambert's Black Belt and Tina Jackso…photoValerie Lambert's Black Belt and Tina Jackso…1 LikeHero Entry 4 - Rosa Parks