Board Breaking SeminareventBoard Breaking Seminar3 LikesWhat is a Girl Scout to do?
My name is Anzia. I am a girl scout and I am allergic to dairy. I love animals, not to eat them but to hug them. I am a vegan. This time of year Girl Scouts are selling cookies to raise money…
BlogWhat is a Girl Scout to do?7 Likes
February 2012
Goomte PoomsevideoGoomte Poomse1 LikeSelf-Defense is Found in the Simple Things
BlogSelf-Defense is Found in the Simple Things1 Likeinspired....
If you ever want to be inspired, sit with a group…
Bloginspired....4 LikesWhat is an Intelligent Self-defense Curriculum
We are involved in a rather revolutionary…
BlogWhat is an Intelligent Self-defense Curriculum1 LikeShort, Simple Lessons from Martial Arts
Be aware of what you’re doing, beginning with your…