Self Defense: is being prepared
If you have not prepared yourself , your family and your business…
Added by MeLisa Turcott Strongheart on April 29, 2010 at 2:59pm —
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For over 20 years now, i have had the incredible privilege to get to know, work with, teach, inspire, witness, love, re
and learn from kids. I have constantly been awed by their creativity, resourcefulness, resilience, honesty, loyalty, compassion, courage, and joy.
this blog entry is in honor of these young…
Added by MeLisa Turcott Strongheart on April 26, 2010 at 11:05pm —
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she has helped me since i was 7 years old to become a blackbelt it has been fun and hard at times. she always can help me through the rough spots in martial arts and im willing to do it for my blackbelt.
Added by Zak Aziz on April 26, 2010 at 9:48pm —
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My Best Friend Cameron Wittman. he is one of the funniest people that i know and when ever im sad or something he always has a way of makeing me laugh. we have been friends since 4th grade and i have probably have been over at his house about 100 times. he is always there for me and thats why he is one of my heros.
Added by Zak Aziz on April 22, 2010 at 7:28pm —
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One of my favorite people in the world, my mom. she dose so much for our family I can't count how many things she does a day. but I can come to her for almost anything. but she has been recently been working on a yearbook for westmercer and for my lill brother's school too, i cant believe how hard that would be.
Added by Zak Aziz on April 22, 2010 at 7:26pm —
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His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been an inspiration to me. His calm mind, and continuing call for non violence and peace, in the face of extreme violence against his people, and himself--- well, it defines what a spiritual person, a holy person can be.
He is humble, humorous, and profound. He teaches tolerance, environmental protections, compassion, empathy, in a way that is clear, focused, and most of all motivates me to find those qualities and to be more of who I am, and…
Added by MeLisa Turcott Strongheart on April 16, 2010 at 3:56pm —
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One of my living heroes is my 1st per teacher Mrs Fontana. She has told us so much about how every year she goes to guatemala with a bunch of high schoolers and they biuld schools, houses, and allot of other biuldings over there. when im in highschool i want to go to the trip with her and help biuld stuff like that too.
Added by Zak Aziz on April 15, 2010 at 8:00pm —
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Even if she is small, and only nine, she has a big imagination. chloe is my little sister who teaches me how to be creative and think outside the box, and by outside the box I mean turning a card board box in to a washing machine. for example just before diner chloe was playing with fuzzy ties and she made a spitting camel. she also is a big goof ball and that is who she is and she isn't afraid of what other people might think of that.…
Added by Megan Frei on April 15, 2010 at 7:56pm —
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my first hero is my mom she helps me during the bad days and when i feel down or when some one hurts me. my mom is also supportive which is what every hero does. my mom uses her mom powers all the time like for example if me or my siblings have a fresh sratch she kisses it and prays over it and it works like magic.
Added by shan-tia booker on April 15, 2010 at 6:59pm —
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There are simple reasons, and more complex reasons, why etiquette is still strictly enforced in traditional martial arts schools. Since I keep getting asked about it, I thought I'd summarize the major reasons why, in my experience, etiquette is so important in the martial arts.
1. SAFETY. I can't overstate this. So much of etiquette revolves around providing a safe and challenging training atmosphere. Don't talk while the Sa…
Added by Krista Wells on April 15, 2010 at 5:00pm —
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Here is the conversation started on facebook--- thought we might want to keep it going on here. chime in:
MeLisa Turcott Strongheart
Ok, I think I am about to blather, but here goes: The kids are being mean. meaner than they used to. meaner at…
Added by MeLisa Turcott Strongheart on April 6, 2010 at 12:00am —
This assignment was difficult for me trying to figure out who my living hero’s are and why I considered them heroes in the first place. I had to really think about who my heroes are, and why and think outside of the box in terms of who they are and why I admired them.
My Mother is probably my greatest hero. She has accomplished so much in her life putting herself through medical school while having two…
Added by Krista Wells on April 2, 2010 at 4:00pm —
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"Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency." Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou is a person who has overcome great obstacles, kept a vision for her life, and for what she can give and achieve. She has inspired me to be a better teacher, as she stands as one of the truly great…
Added by MeLisa Turcott Strongheart on April 2, 2010 at 3:30pm —
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